Monthly Archives: October 2013

Not Trying At All

Allow me.

I have failed.

Nothing is worse than not trying at all. How does the old saying go? Better to have tried and failed than never to have……(wait, I think I am in danger of making up an old saying on the spot. Please disregard.)

There is much that I would like this blog to become.

A place for book reviews; a place to be creative; a place to share what I am learning in my journey through God’s Word; A place to share my life with whoever happens to care; a place to work on proper grammar.

This post does none of the above. Instead it is at least an attempt to begin again. Perhaps it will continue, or perhaps it will lead to a whole new relaunched blog in the future. Or perhaps it might end it all.

But for now. It is none of that. It is instead a small step towards re-engaging with the blog-o-sphere and those whom the Lord might have me to influence.

In all of this I seek to follow the example of the Apostle Paul:

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.